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<title>A Healthy Happy Life Lesson</title>
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<p>Hi<br />
<br />
This is my first letter to everyone I can reach out to. If you do not care about a healthy long life, you don’t necessarily have to continue reading but I would certainly appreciate if you still do.<br />
<br />
I was a research scientist and claimed early retirement when I had saved enough up. But, this letter is not about me.....this is about a life secret that I discovered. And, its always been in my nature to inform others and share my knowledge. <br />
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As you know, every food item is composed of something called <em>hydrocarbons</em>, while some of these <em>hydrocarbons</em> are good for us, MOST are not, and I will refer to these harmful hydrocarbons as ACIDS.
<center><em>What ACIDS? How can ACIDS hurt us? </em> </center>
<p>With a growing age, I realized that my body cannot successfully digest these acids and they even cause several health problems like indigestion, tooth decay etc....More on this later. </p>
Acids harm our bodies ever so slowly that we may never realize what hit us till we reach our 40s/50s or even later. In this letter I will concentrate on the crowds favorite way of ingesting these harmful acids. COFFEE...!! </p>
<p><strong><em>YES !! Coffee - I drink it, you drink it, pretty much everyone we know drinks it.</em></strong></p>
<p>But, what no one realizes is that even Coffee contains acids that eventually (over time) give us <strong><em>heart, stomach, liver , tooth enamel & intestine problems. </em></strong><br />
<br />
The only way out for us Coffee drinkers to live long and happily is to find a solution that does not come back to haunt us later. <br />
<br />
Believe me, I am no humanitarian, I began this search looking for a solution for myself. I want to live a long healthy life, and I’m sure you do too. <br />
<center><em>And, <strong>Trust me</strong> - Its never too late to start caring about what we ingest in our bodies. </em> </center>
<p>Being a scientist I approached this problem like any other, I needed to know what I am up against, so I started doing research on the web. <br />
<br />
You wouldn’t believe what I found: <br />
<center><em>“<strong>A little cup of java can mean big problems for our stomachs</strong>. </em> <br />
<em>Acid levels in coffee, as well as impurities and raisins, may wreak havoc on our digestive tracts”</em></center>
I was SHOCKED !!!! Never in my life I thought something as popular as coffee could contain so many harmful acids I had no idea about. <br />
<br />
Even now, I love a great cup of coffee from time to time and would have hated to give it up.</p>
<center><p><em>I certainly would not be emailing you to tell you to give coffee up, when I myself enjoy it sooooooooo much....</em></p></center>
<p> The only way left was to find a solution, so I went back on the internet to see if anyone else has been looking into this problem. And, my research showed that certainly <strong>every major coffee company knows about this issue but they are HAPPY rather not letting us know about it. </strong><br />
<center>I BEGAN LOOKING FOR <strong>SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY CARED</strong>.</center></p>
<p> Never did I realize that the solution is out there, and It’s gaining a lot of support with each passing day.
<br />
<p>What’s funny about this whole thing is: <br />
<br />
<center><em>The only thing I had to do to find a Safe, Healthy & Acid Free Coffee: </em> <br />
<strong><em>Go to Google.com and search “ACID FREE COFFEE” </em></strong></center>
<p><strong>Let me WARN you though</strong>: <em>Google displays “ads” on top & side of every search. You want to click on results that appear organically and did not pay a buck or two to appear on google’s searches. </em><br />
<br />
Just to make things easier, I am attaching a link that will do this search for you.<br /></p>
<center><a href= http://bit.ly/Jnae4J title="Google Search"><font size="+6" color="blue">Google Link</font></a></center></p>
<p><center><strong><em>I myself have tried this <u>Acid Free Coffee</u> and I Loved it, it tastes even better than the generic brands out there. </em></strong> </center></p>
<p><br />I believe that my job is done, the rest is upto you.<br /><br />
<em>PS: Happy Healthy Living !!! That’s my life motto. Don’t be shy to adopt it yourself.</em><br /> <br />
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