[ANNOUNCE] (H)gct 0.2

Fredrik Kuivinen freku045 at student.liu.se
Wed Aug 31 21:59:37 BST 2011

Version 0.2 of (H)gct, a GUI enabled commit tool, has been released
and can be downloaded from

There is also a Git repository for (H)gct at
http://www.cyd.liu.se/users/~freku045/gct/gct.git/ (and a gitweb for
this repository is available at

Some screen shots can be found on the homepage at

The major changes compared to v0.1 are:

* User interface enhancements: 
  - automatically add signoff to commit message
  - jump directly into an editor to modify files
  - ignore file (hg only)
  - preferences panel
  - revert changes
  - (un)select all changes
* Support for Mercurial (hg) repositories via the "hgct" command
* Generic SCM interface allows easy porting to other SCM systems
* Assorted small bugfixes and enhancements

Lots of thanks to Mark Williamson for the Hg support, patches and

- Fredrik
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