[ANNOUNCE] Guilt 0.15

Josef Sipek jsipek at cs.sunysb.edu
Wed Aug 31 21:59:54 BST 2011

Guilt (Git Quilt, formerly Git Queues - gq) is a series of bash scripts
which add a Mercurial queues-like [1] functionality and interface to git.
The one distinguishing feature from other quilt-like porcelains, is the
format of the patches directory. _All_ the information is stored as plain
text - a series file and the patches (one per file). This easily lends
itself to versioning the patches using any number of of SCMs.

The scripts have changed considerably since the initial announcement two
months ago. The current scripts are much more reliable, and follow more of
the quilt/mq semantics.


Git repository:

The code is licensed under GPLv2.

Of course, contributions and feedback are welcomed :)

Josef "Jeff" Sipek.

[1] http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/MqExtension
[2] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=git&m=116349911807684&w=2
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