[ANNOUNCE] Magit 0.7

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 22:00:31 BST 2011

It's time for the next release of Magit, the Emacs interface to Git!


A lot of people have contributed to it.  Thanks a lot!

Please report bugs and general feedback to our little mailing list:


or to me directly, of course.

What's new:

* Tagging, on 't' and 'T'.

* Stashing, on 'z' and 'Z'.

* Wazzup, on 'w'.  Wazzup gives you an overview over how other
  branches relate to the current one.

* There is more control over pushing.  'P' now takes a prefix argument
  and pushing a branch without a default remote will ask for one.

* Logs have changed a bit: 'l' shows the traditional brief log, and
  'L' shows a more verbose log.  Use the prefix arg to specify the
  range of the log.

* M-x magit-status doesn't prompt anymore for a directory when invoked
  from within a Git repository.  Use C-u to force a prompt.

* When you have nothing staged, 'c' will now explicitly ask whether to
  commit everything instead of just going ahead and do it.  This can
  be customized.

* The digit keys '1', '2', '3', and '4' now show sections on the
  respective level and hide everything below.  With Meta, they work on
  all sections; without, they work only on sections that are a parent
  or child of the current section.

* Typing '+' and '-' will change the size of hunks, via the "-U"
  option to git diff.  '0' resets hunks to their default size.

* Typing 'k' on the "Untracked files" section title will offer to
  delete all untracked files.

* Magit understands a bit of git-svn: the status buffer shows unpushed
  and unpulled commits, 'N r' runs git svn rebase, and 'N c' runs git
  svn dcommit.

* Magit now also works when the direcory is accessed via tramp.

* M-x magit-status can also create new repositories when given a
  directory that is not a Git repository.

* Magit works better with oldish Gits that don't understand "--graph",
  for example.

* The name of the Git program and common options for it can be

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