[ANNOUNCE] Stacked Git 0.15-rc1

Catalin Marinas catalin.marinas at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 22:00:35 BST 2011

The first release candidate for StGit 0.15 is available from the
git://repo.or.cz/stgit.git or http://download.gna.org/stgit/. Bugs can
be reported on the Git mailing list or via the project bugs page

StGit is a Python application providing similar functionality to Quilt
(i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack) on top of Git. These
operations are performed using Git commands and the patches are stored
as Git commit objects, allowing easy merging of the StGit patches into
other repositories using standard Git functionality.

The main changes since release 0.14.3 (I may miss some important
features but they can be found in the log):

- New core infrastructure for repository operations
- Infinite undo/redo operations and corresponding commands
- Automatic reverting of changes following a failed operation (using
- New 'squash' command for combining two or more patches into one
- New 'publish' command for maintaining merge-friendly branches (which
  are not rebased)
- New patch identification format - <branch>:<patch> (see 'id' command)
- UI improvements and removal of the 'add', 'rm' and 'resolved' commands
  since there are corresponding Git equivalents
- Emacs mode improvements
- Man pages and improved tutorial

Special thanks go to Karl Hasselstr

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