[ANNOUNCE] update-base-branch: Track arbitrary external content in Git branch

Johan Kiviniemi johan at kiviniemi.name
Wed Aug 31 22:00:36 BST 2011

To reduce the pain with the merging of my config changes (for various
software) with upstream’s new defaults, I came up with a small program
to track the default config files in a Git branch.

With things set up, the update and the merge become a matter of:

% ./update-defaults (or whatever you’ll call your script)
% git merge defaults (or whatever you’ll call the defaults branch)

The program is generic, of course – I’ve already found other uses for it[1].


How I use the program in real life – examples of what the
update-defaults script mentioned above could look like:

Release tarball:

A demonstration: using the program to update the user config for the
Awesome window manager:

[1] If there is no public VCS repository for a piece of software and
you want to maintain/send patches, use update-base-branch to track the
contents of the latest released tarball and merge that branch with
your ‘master’.

Jοhan Kiviniemi
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