[ANNOUNCE] TortoiseGit Release

Frank Li lznuaa at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 22:00:40 BST 2011


= Release =
== Features ==

 * Improve Rebase Dialog
  Allow lanuch new rebase dialog again after finish rebase dialog
  Disable "force rebase" checkbox during rebase.

 * Git SVN
  Append svn:ignore settings to the default git exclude file Add
shell extension command to import svn ignore settings.
  Need press "Shift" key to show "import svn ignore" command.

 * Drag-drop copy\move support
  File only

 * Add paste command at shell extension
  Copy and paste file is okay. But there are problems when including
  Cut and paste working

 * Update notepad2 to 4.022

 * Sync Dialog
  Ability to sync submodules in TGit sync dialog

 * Statics
  Sort commits by dates before processed by StatGraphDlg

 * Log Dialog
  Show <No branch> replace ref error message at log dialog

 * Add Check software updater support.

== Bug Fix ==
 * Fixed issue #185. "Can't find Super-project" when pathname include space.
 * Fixed issue #190: Access violation in Blame and wrong path name
when root dir is git repository
 * Fixed issue #180: Create patch serial doesn't work when there is
"\" at end of path
 * Fixed issue #173: SVN Rebase does not work The correct handle below
case git config svn-remote.svn.fetch
 * Fixed issue #169: Force rebase checkbox is fixed
 * Fixed issue #163: Conflict "theirs" and "mine" are reversed during a rebase
 * Fixed issue #165: Incorect path to Notepad2
 * Fixed issue #158: Rebase can act on the wrong branch
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