[ANNOUNCE] git-flow AVH Edition 1.7.0

Peter van der Does peter at avirtualhome.com
Sun Nov 17 00:08:34 GMT 2013

We are pleased to announce the release of git-flow AVH Edition 1.7.0

git-flow AVH Edition is a collection of git extensions to provide
high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching
The AVH Edition adds more functionality to the original git-flow[1] and
several of the internal commands have been rewritten to speed up the

The release tar-ball and zip file can be found at:


git-flow AVH Edition is compatible with the following systems:
	Mac OS X

Installation instructions for these systems can be found at:


git-flow AVH Edition 1.7.0 Release Notes
* Refactor the gitflow override flag functions.

* Shortcut for finish, delete, and publish commands.  
  Introduce the following new commands:  
  * git flow finish
  * git flow delete
  * git flow publish
  These commands will perform the action on the branch that's currently

* No branch is needed for the following function:  
  * git flow feature publish/finish/delete
  * git flow release publish/finish/delete
  * git flow hotfix publish/finish/delete
* Remove base configuration when deleting a feature/hotfix/release

* Help text for certain commands is wrong.

* Bugfix: Invalid function call.

* Bugfix: No make installer fails

* Support branches are no longer marked as experimental.
* Fix sanity check for release track command.

* Fix feature pull.  
  The pull request fails when there's no local branch with the same
  name as the remote branch.
* Option for global hooks and filters directory.  
  This is only for hooks and filters related to git-flow, not the
  standard git hooks.

[1] The original set of extensions have not been updated since 2012 and
    the last release was done in 2010
Peter van der Does

GPG key: CB317D6E

Site: http://avirtualhome.com
GitHub: https://github.com/petervanderdoes
Twitter: @petervanderdoes

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