[ANN] SVNGit - Checkout Git repository by SVN Client

Yi, EungJun semtlenori at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:45:58 GMT 2015

Hello, all.

I just have started to develop SVNGit, the servlet library in pure
Java for SVN Client to checkout Git repository. The project is hosted
at https://github.com/naver/svngit.

Since the project is at very early stage, SVNGit unstably supports
only a few SVN commands: checkout, update and log.

SVNGit is based on SVNKit to accept HTTP(DAV) requests from SVN client
and uses JGit to access Git repository.

If you have interest in my project, please download it and test with
your Git repositories. I will be very happy if you give me a comment,
a bug report and/or a pullrequest.

Thank you for reading.
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