[ANNOUNCE] Git Developer Summit, April 4th, 2016, NYC

Jeff King peff at peff.net
Tue Feb 2 16:12:41 GMT 2016

I mentioned earlier[1] that plans were in the works for a developer
summit as part of Git Merge this year. I'm pleased to announce that it's
definitely happening, and it's time to RSVP so we can get an official


It will be April 4th in New York City, from 11am-5pm, and is open to
people who develop git or any of its alternate implementations, or tools
that are closely tied to git.

We have a venue that holds 25 people max. That should be enough based on
the responses I got to my earlier email. We can move to a larger venue,
but I'd have to know _very soon_. So please sign up promptly, and if you
need to wait to figure out your plans, let me know that you're maybe

There's no particular agenda for the meeting. People should show up with
some topics for discussion or presentation. There should be appropriate
seating for round-table discussion, and a projector.

The rest of the Git Merge conference will be the following day, the 5th,
with more formal talks to a bigger audience. I think there are still
speaking slots left; let me know if you'd like to give a talk to the
larger audience, and I can put you in touch with the organizers. Details
for that day are still forthcoming, but will be at:


when they are available.

[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/282634

[2] You need a password to register. My plan is to withhold it from this
    email but hand it out liberally to people who are git contributors,
    and it can hopefully pass by word of mouth to those who need it
    without generating any spammy registrations.  I'll send an email
    shortly to everybody who responded to my previous announcement, but
    please don't hesitate to ask for it if you would like to come.
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