[ANNOUNCE] tig-2.3.1

Jonas Fonseca jonas.fonseca at gmail.com
Sun May 13 21:10:01 BST 2018


A new release is available fixing a few bugs and improving TTY management.

What is Tig?
Tig is an ncurses-based text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly
as a Git repository browser, but can also assist in staging changes for
commit at chunk level and act as a pager for output from various Git

 - Homepage: https://jonas.github.io/tig/
 - Manual: https://jonas.github.io/tig/doc/manual.html
 - Tarballs: https://github.com/jonas/tig/releases
 - Gitter: https://gitter.im/jonas/tig
 - Q&A: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tig

Release notes

 - Restore TTY attributes. (GH #725)
 - Handle `\n` like `\r`. (GH #758)

Bug fixes:

 - Add workaround that detects busy loops when Tig loses the TTY. This may
   happen if Tig does not receive the HUP signal (e.g. when started with
   `nohup`). (GH #164)
 - Fix compatibility with ncurses-5.4 which caused copy-pasting to not work
   in the prompt. (GH #767)
 - tig(1): document correct environment variable. (GH #752)

Change summary
The diffstat and log summary for changes made in this release.

 .travis.yml                     |  50 ++++++-------
 INSTALL.adoc                    |  13 +++-
 Makefile                        |   2 +-
 NEWS.adoc                       |  17 +++++
 doc/tig.1.adoc                  |   2 +-
 include/tig/tig.h               |   1 +
 src/display.c                   | 127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 test/README.adoc                |  17 +++++
 test/main/refresh-periodic-test |   2 +
 test/tools/libtest.sh           |  76 +++++++++++++++++--
 tools/aspell.dict               |  12 ++-
 tools/travis.sh                 |  32 ++++++++
 12 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

Christian Brabandt (1):
      Handle \n like \r (#758)

David O'Trakoun (1):
      tig(1): Fix env var checked (#752)

Jonas Fonseca (6):
      Fix formatting of the Windows install documentation
      Move loop updating views to separate method
      Fix #164: Add workaround to detect busy event loops
      Use initscr to ensure proper TTY setup for the prompt (#768)
      Update NEWS

Matt (1):
      Added another installation method (#753)

Jonas Fonseca

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